Monday, July 27, 2009

JBoss Messaging 2.0 beta 4 is released

We just released Messaging 2.0 beta 4, and it' s ready to download.

I' m pleased with the progress we are making, and we are excited about what we are doing.

We still have work to do but we are very confident about the quality of the work we are doing.

Look at the documentation and you will know what I' m talking about.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fedora 11 finally got me...

I have been using a competitor distribution for very long (about 2 years) even though I work for RedHat / JBoss, just because it was easier. I couldn' t figure out how to do a few things.

I have tried to come to Fedora a few times.. and I could never feel comfortable.

But Fedora 11.. that' s really nice. I would say I don't even feel I'm on Linux. I'm feeling very comfortable like using my wife's Mac OS X :-)

The WebCam works, wireless... video resolution.. even Skype... everything smooth.

It could be also the Lenovo T500 behaves really well with Linux.. but still... Fedora 11 has got me.

I' m a Fedora user from now on :-)